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Email Marketing

"I need leads!".. Sound familiar?!... Lead Generation Solutions through Strategic Online Marketing Programs. Leads are of course what many businesses need to grow and to survive. e-Marketing

Leads are of course what many businesses need to grow and to survive and more leads is the goal of all sales and marketing teams. Sales revenue is everything, and at most companies that means continuing to generate new and qualified leads. Redback specialises in working with you to create the tools, strategies and concepts for generating sales leads, through integrated online marketing programs.

Because Redback is a marketing driven company, we provide you with those vital preliminary concepts before we let the web design team, knowledge workers, technicians and computer code cutters get their hands on your product's image and business future. Before the technology we look to:

  • create spectacular tools and strategies for your customer relationship management
  • extend your existing business model and assist your awareness of relevant net marketing activities and opportunities
  • create reliable innovative web marketing solutions and processes
  • ensure the web experience offers a clear value proposition to your visitors, effectively building loyalty to your product and your brand
  • identify for your company potential on and off-line strategic alliances based on shared values
  • define, develop and integrate your current real world, off-line promotions and branding so they add value and strengthen your online offering