Looking After Your #1 Sales Person!
Hello %%First Name%%
If you have any sales people working in your business, I know that no matter how experienced they may be, you don't just give them product brochures and send them out the door and 'hope'!
You take time to not only to train and guide/shape them at the start to your company's style & type, but you do it continuously... by monitoring & maintaining them and their progress, methods and success.
I think we will always need human sales people, but in most cases these days, your web site is or is becoming your #1 Sales Person!!
(And if your website is not built to give you leads/sales, please please email/call me now to catch up! Or at least start reading my newsletters from the very start to understand how; here at the archives.)
So how much do you monitor & maintain your website?
How often do you tweak and add/edit/remove/update information on the site and see how visitors are interacting (or not) with it?!
Does your website not have/have;
Pictures of key personnel who have left?
New products/services that aren't featured on your website?
Old ranges you no longer stock?
Out of date prices?
Previous street addresses or contact details.
"News" that is already two years old?!
Or the most impactful reason for failure!.... Does it just simply look old, drab & out-dated, of which every visitor will see this as a reflection of your business and go no further!!!
Just take a moment to really think of your website similar to your #1 sales person, and think all the things you would do for/with your sales person and how that would translate to online. The greeting... training... updating... educating... checking... modernising... style & presentation.. language/communication.... attention to detail... the sales process... the 'thank you'... following up.... and on it goes.
I hope you start to see it now of how treating your website as a top sales person can be very beneficial.
And just think how much cheaper it is than the physical, plus the beauty being it can be massively more effective and profitable if your website is created and maintained correctly and progressively!

Useful Windows Keyboard Shortcuts:
Here are some tips to help quickly move around the keyboard.
NB: Some keyboards may label the 'Win' key as 'Start'.
Win - Press windows key to open start menu
Win R - Apply to open Run dialog box
Win M - Apply to minimize all opened windows
Win Shift M - Apply to maximize all opened windows
Win L - Press keys to lock keyboard in windows XP
Win E - Press keys to open My Computer
Win F - Apply to open search options
Win U - Apply keys to open Utility Manager
Win D - To view desktop/minimize all windows
Win F1 - To view the detail windows help page
Win Pause - To view the System Properties dialog box
Win Tab - Move through taskbar programs
Win F Ctrl - Apply to open search for computers
Alt Tab - Move through opened windows programs
Alt F4 - Press keys to close active windows program
Alt Enter - Apply to open properties of selected item
Alt SPACEBAR - Open the system menu of active window
Alt SPACEBAR N - Press keys to minimize the active program
Alt SPACEBAR R - Press keys to restore the active program
Alt SPACEBAR C - Press keys to close the active program
Alt SPACEBAR X - Press keys to maximize the active program
Alt SPACEBAR M - Press keys to move the active program
Ctrl Alt Delete - Apply to open windows task manager
Ctrl Shift Esc - Apply to open windows task manager
Ctrl Esc - Press keys to open start menu
Shift - Shift key to prevent CD from automatically playing
Shift Delete - To delete items permanentlyr

To learn more, be sure to read the past newsletters and resources at www.redbackstudios.com.au
If you have any topics you would like me to address in these newsletters, or have further questions on this topic or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact me on support@redbackstudios.com.au or Reply to this mailing.
Warm regards

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Just Imagine!...
People come to your site because they are interested in your product/service, yet the opportunity to find out who is visiting your site is missed by focusing on just design, rather than marketing. Just think… if you had the contact details of those interested visitors from your site & made regular contact with them... what an impact that could have on sales?!

Talk to us at Redback Studios to help make your website a greater marketing tool. Contact Us
Our Services
Web Design Search Engine Optimisation / SEO eMail Promotions Web Site Optimisation Shopping Cart/eCommerce Event Calendars Add Video/You Tube Logo Design/ Brochures/ Business Cards Online Photo Galleries Online Catalogue System Put Your Site On a CMS Mail Outs On Your Behalf Content Writing eStationery & eNewsletters Seasonal/Promotion Templates Data Entry Google Add-Words Domain Registration Website Packages Web Hosting eMail Promotions e-Marketing

Newsletter Archives
Check out our vast archive of helpful and informative past newsletter articles. View Archives
Redback Studios recently upgraded our Wine IP website; www.wineip.com.au and it has a very smart look and is simple and easy to navigate. The process for us as a business was easy and Laurence extremely helpful and understood what we were seeking; which reduced the costs in time and money. Redback also hosts our website and have been able to help us with technical problems that have arisen outside their responsibility. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Redback to design, develop and maintain your website presence.
Sue Henderson - WineIP Pty Ltd 13 August 2012
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