5 Ways to Generate More Money from Your Website
Hello %%First Name%%
More and more, businesses (physical and online) are becoming showrooms where consumers are doing their research before they decide to buy. Just think of your own actions… when you want to purchase anything, the first thing you do is ‘research’, often way before you are ready to buy. So your online business strategy needs to understand this.
Consumer spending is at an all-time high - however, consumers have far more choices than ever before, leading to far more competition. Businesses and Brands are seeing that just having brick and mortar premises is not enough. They need to engage their customers online to keep their loyalty - and more importantly, to keep generating sales.
Here are 5 effective things you can do to generate more leads, more loyalty and more conversions from your website.
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Fresh Content:
Keep the content on your site updated on a regular basis, aiming to do so at least once a week.
You see good retailers keeping their window displays updated in order to keep customers coming back, and a website should be no different. If you want users to come back, make sure you don’t keep showing them the same old content. Otherwise, there is no reason for users to check back in on your website to see what new products/services you might be offering. This is especially important for your homepage, as it is the main point of entry for most traffic that comes to your website. Having an updated homepage makes users more interested to see what else your business has to offer and will help make users more likely to click through to your sales pages and become customers. More info>>>
The first visitor and the first sale are the most expensive for an online business in terms of marketing cost, so getting users back to your site is critical in order to generate more sales.
This can be accomplished either by using re-engagement ads directed at users who come to your website but don’t end up purchasing your product through a service like AdWords, or by utilising email. If you use email, ensure that you give your visitors a good reason to give you their email (click here to see past articles on doing this effectively). It is important your marketing emails clearly shows value to users and provides them a reason to give you their email address and remain subscribed. This can be accomplished by offering exclusive online specials, discounts or holiday ideas to users.
Email marketing can be an extremely powerful tool for bringing users back to your website to purchase a product, while also helping you to stay in touch with your customers in order to build long-term brand loyalty. More info>>>
User Friendly:
Ensure your site is well organized so users find what they want in as few clicks as possible. Having a navigation structure that makes sense to a user will help them to get to what they are looking for and will ultimately create more sales for your business. Sensible website navigation needs to take place on all platforms that users use to access your website. This means fully maximising your business’ online presence and investing in responsive website design so that your website is optimised for users that come to your website on tablet and mobile devices. Having a mobile optimized website and a clear navigation structure will help users, your bottom line and also search engine rankings. (On average, 30%+ of website traffic is now from a mobile device.)
Provide Valuable Content:
Ensure your site is well organized so users find what they want in as few clicks as possible. Having a navigation structure that makes sense to a user will help them to get to what they are looking for and will ultimately create more sales for your business. Sensible website navigation needs to take place on all platforms that users use to access your website. This means fully maximising your business’ online presence and investing in responsive website design so that your website is optimised for users that come to your website on tablet and mobile devices. Having a mobile optimized website and a clear navigation structure will help users, your bottom line and also search engine rankings. (On average, 30%+ of website traffic is now from a mobile device.)
Search Engine Optimisation:
Ensure your site is well organized so users find what they want in as few clicks as possible. Having a navigation structure that makes sense to a user will help them to get to what they are looking for and will ultimately create more sales for your business. Sensible website navigation needs to take place on all platforms that users use to access your website. This means fully maximising your business’ online presence and investing in responsive website design so that your website is optimised for users that come to your website on tablet and mobile devices. Having a mobile optimized website and a clear navigation structure will help users, your bottom line and also search engine rankings. (On average, 30%+ of website traffic is now from a mobile device.) More info>>>
A website that is properly designed to convert visitors, can provide huge amounts of sales for any business. Particularly for businesses that don’t already have an effective online business presence, a website that creates conversions can take any brand to the next level. By optimising your website to perform as has been outlined above, (and strategies from our past editions- click here) you can be sure that your website is a lead generating powerhouse for your business and that you are staying ahead of your competition.
1. Create and optimise a website that engages your visitors with valuable and constantly updated information.
2. Have solid and valuable reasons for visitors to give you their email address.
3. Continue to communicate with useful and worthwhile offers and information to educate and encourage visitors back to your website and grow a relationship with you, leading to that contact/purchase.
Further resources...

To learn more, be sure to read the past newsletters and resources at www.redbackstudios.com.au
If you have any topics you would like me to address in these newsletters, or have further questions on this topic or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact me on support@redbackstudios.com.au or Reply to this mailing.
Warm regards

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Just Imagine!...
People come to your site because they are interested in your product/service, yet the opportunity to find out who is visiting your site is missed by focusing on just design, rather than marketing. Just think… if you had the contact details of those interested visitors from your site & made regular contact with them... what an impact that could have on sales?!

Talk to us at Redback Studios to help make your website a greater marketing tool. Contact Us
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Redback Studios recently upgraded our Wine IP website; www.wineip.com.au and it has a very smart look and is simple and easy to navigate. The process for us as a business was easy and Laurence extremely helpful and understood what we were seeking; which reduced the costs in time and money. Redback also hosts our website and have been able to help us with technical problems that have arisen outside their responsibility. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Redback to design, develop and maintain your website presence.
Sue Henderson - WineIP Pty Ltd
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