Celebrating 10 Years!
Thank you!
Hello %%First Name%%
So you are still with me and my regular e-newsletter, of which some of you have been receiving for 9 years now! (Yes, it has been that long.) Thank you and I really hope you are getting some great value form the idea &, strategies and feel support with your online efforts.
As I note at the bottom of all my newsletters, if you have any questions or would like to suggest a topic for any upcoming additions, I would welcome your input.
So that means this is the 10th Year of sending this monthly newsletter and to Celebrate I want to say a Big Thank You! Although I have been in the industry for over 20 years, I am still very passionate about online business, from web development to marketing to customer relations/support to consulting/training. I still just love it!
So as a Big Thank You and to show my appreciation;
I would like to offer you 25% Off RRP on all our Redback services!!!
That’s 25% Off Website Packages, Web Edits, SEO, eCommerce Packages, Design & Creative… any of our standard services that you can check out at www.redbackstudios.com.au.

Windows 7 Tips.
1. Record Problems - Problem Steps Recorder
I don’t know about you, but I am always asked by colleagues, clients, friends and family for help with their computer problems, but when they explain it is often as clear as mud.
So rather than persisting and letting the frustration build, (only to find they simply have the volume turned off, or didn’t maximise a page or aren’t connected to the internet), Windows 7 has a smart little program called Problem Steps Recorder (PSR).
So to see the issue they are having, tell them to click Start and type “PSR” and press Enter. Click to open the program. A small little recording bar will pop-up. They then click ‘Start Record’. I will then record what they are doing, every click and keypress, take screen grabs, and package everything up into a single zipped MHTML file when they're finished, which they can simply email as an attachment to you. It's quick, easy and effective, and will save you hours of troubleshooting time and frustration.
2. Troubleshooting Help
Windows 7 has some great in built features such as simple wizards that will try resolve common problems. So if Windows 7 is playing up, give this a try.
Go to the Control Panel and in the search box at the top right, type ‘Find and Fix’ and you will see the list of functions appear. These will help resolve common problems, check your settings, clean up your system and more.
3. Windows is Still Windows… It Will Crash
If you have used Windows for any long period of time, you would most likely have at some stage experienced a crash and/or the ‘blue screen of death’. It is pretty mush inevitable at some stage with years of use (or even sooner in some cases.) But it is always when you least expect it!
But it doesn’t need to be the hassle it used to be. What you can do is simply set ‘Restore Points’ along the way, so if you do have a crash, you can just tell Windows to pick up again from where that last restore point was.
BUT this does not replace backing up your files! Remember the famous quote by Socrates... Thou must back up your computer! Back it up, back it up, back it up!
Ahhh… what a wise old man... and such Foresight! :)
So create a system repair disc straight away in case you run into problems booting Windows later on. Click Start > Maintenance > Create a System Repair Disc, and let Windows 7 build a bootable emergency disc. If the worst does happen then it could be the only way to get your PC running again.
4. Dual Monitors
If you use a laptop or even a desktop and sometimes use a second screen, (or a projector), then you will love this tip.
It can be a bit of a pain getting to the setting to Extend the desktop, duplicate it or use your computer as connected to a projector. Not now!
With Windows 7 just press Win+P and choose your preferred display. Isn’t that great?!
Just For Fun
Go to Google and type: do a barrel roll.
Hehe :)
To learn more, be sure to read the past newsletters and resources at www.redbackstudios.com.au
If you have any topics you would like me to address in these newsletters, or have further questions on this topic or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact me on support@redbackstudios.com.au or Reply to this mailing.
Warm regards
Special 25% off conditions:
Please see T & C's on website
For monthly services, 25% is limited to the nest 3 months.
25% can not be used in conjunction with any other special offers.
Offer expires

Our Recently Completed/Featured Sites
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John is also offering a great Special with the launch of his new site. You could Win a $1,250 Suit Free!!
Just visit his shop or go to his new website and enter your details for a chance to Win!
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And the Specials keep on coming with Siekaup's new website... You could Win a Beautiful Designer Coffee Table just by visiting in-store or on their fabulous new website and entering the competition.
Just Imagine!...
People come to your site because they are interested in your product/service, yet the opportunity to find out who is visiting your site is missed by focusing on just design, rather than marketing. Just think… if you had the contact details of those interested visitors from your site & made regular contact with them... what an impact that could have on sales?!

Talk to us at Redback Studios to help make your website a greater marketing tool. Contact Us
Our Services
Web Design Search Engine Optimisation / SEO eMail Promotions Web Site Optimisation Shopping Cart/eCommerce Event Calendars Add Video/You Tube Logo Design/ Brochures/ Business Cards Online Photo Galleries Online Catalogue System Put Your Site On a CMS Mail Outs On Your Behalf Content Writing eStationery & eNewsletters Seasonal/Promotion Templates Data Entry Google Add-Words Domain Registration Website Packages Web Hosting eMail Promotions e-Marketing

Newsletter Archives
Check out our vast archive of helpful and informative past newsletter articles. View Archives
Redback Studios recently upgraded our Wine IP website; www.wineip.com.au and it has a very smart look and is simple and easy to navigate. The process for us as a business was easy and Laurence extremely helpful and understood what we were seeking; which reduced the costs in time and money. Redback also hosts our website and have been able to help us with technical problems that have arisen outside their responsibility. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Redback to design, develop and maintain your website presence.
Sue Henderson - WineIP Pty Ltd 13 August 2012
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