Why I Love Google Chrome
(as will you).
Hello %%First Name%%
I may be preaching to the converted, but I think if you aren't using Google Chrome web browser, you are missing out of some fantastic tools to make life on the internet and Smartphone integration, so much easier and efficient.
Other browsers, such as Firefox and Internet Explorer, do have some similar features, but from my experience, nothing as simple, versatile and comprehensive as Chrome has made it. I will always rate simplicity high, as so many companies just make things too complicated to be attractive or user friendly.
I'm not saying you have to only use Chrome, but for some tasks, you will be amazed what it can do for you. I think you will soon find you start to use Chrome more and more, until it becomes the one browser you use for so many things for work and personal. It is a bit like iTunes or Google Play (Android Market) for mobile phones… if you can think of a task, “I wish I could...', chances are there is an 'add-on' (app) for that.
Here is a few great examples of my favourites...

My Top 5 Chrome Uses - besides being a great web browser:
Example 1: I help a number of clients (and of course family members) with a huge range of computer & internet issues. From software glitches & problems with emails and programs, to simply teaching 'how to do'things on the computer. But it is impractical and impossible to go sit at everyone's individual computer all over the country to teach/help them. And trying to walk people through things over the phone when you can't see what they see, especially when they really have no idea of what they are doing, can sometimes be a compared to poking yourself in the eye with a pointy stick or watching 'The Shire' re-runs.
But now I simply ask them to have Google Chrome installed, and then click on the Chrome Web Store icon, search for 'Remote Desktop' and click install. Now with a couple of clicks they can give me a random security code that will grant me access to their computer as if I was sitting in front of it, and they also can see and participate in what I am doing. It is that easy!
(I have been using many other programs to do this, but they are no-where as simple and reliable for the user at the other end as this add-on.)
So if you are a computer dummy and would like a friend, a colleague, your tech or even me to help you, simply install Chrome and then add the Remote Desktop add-on. Then at any time you can get the real help you need, easily and without the frustration of trying to explain it on the phone or email.
Example 2:I hate using the keypad on a phone to send SMS messages. In Chrome I simply installed 'Mighty Text' as a Chrome Add-on and on my Smartphone, and now I am notified when I get an SMS and allows me to receive & send replies and compose new texts, using Chrome and my computer keyboard. Just so simple and convenient.
Example 3: Chrome is integrated with the many Google services, so if you go on another computer and use Chrome, sign in to your Google account/Gmail, it will display the same interface as you have on your work/home computer, including all the add-ons, bookmarks and more.
Tip: You can swap between the default Chrome page and your own page of 'most visited pages you visit' by moving your mouse to the far left or right of your screen, where the side will become greyed with an arrow. Just click. Or at the bottom of your Chrome page is 'Most Visited' and Ápps' link.
Example 4: Following on from #3, this isn't quite about Google Chrome, but Google Drive which is a standard icon/link on your Chrome browser default app page. 
Similar to #3, install Google Drive on your PC and if you have any files you wish you could access from anywhere, any computer, just add these files to your Google Drive folder and it will automatically sync them to Google Cloud. So log into Gmail or Chrome on any computer or your Smartphone, and there are the files you want to access. It's that easy.
(There is a lot more Google Drive can do, but we I will cover that in a separate newsletter.)
Example 5: Google Play is another icon/app on the Chrome default page. If you have an Android phone, (and who wouldn't, being such a superior phone/platform (yes I am biased)), then you can simply choose the app you want from the Google store and it automatically sends & installs it on your phone. No connecting to your phone via USB or Wi-Fi or Bluetooth or stuffing around, all done in a simple mouse click.
I could go on and on, but Chrome really have got it together and it is only growing stronger. Statistics now class it as the second most popular browser in the world after Internet Explorer, but that is only because IE comes already installed on PC's. So if you aren't using Chrome, maybe consider giving it a go and if you do, click on the Chrome Web Store icon on the Home page and see all the amazing add-ons. Just make sure you have a Gmail account.
I hope you found these tips useful and will also explore Chrome and the Store a bit more, as there as so many other apps that could be very useful depending on your business.
If you have any topics you would like me to address in these newsletters, or have further questions on this topic or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us on support@redbackstudios.com.au or Reply to this mailing.
Warm regards
* Softwares and ideas mentioned are of my own opinion. I am not endorsing any other company or their programs, these are examples and ideas only.
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